Relationship management is the bread and butter to all entrepreneurial success stories. Social capital is one of the most valuable assets any entrepreneur can have, especially in your business’ early stages. To put it simply, relationship management is your ability to create, develop and cherish relationships with your current clients, potential clients, vendors and anyone else who interacts with your product or service.
So what do you do when you’re in a position where you have an uncomfortable experience with one of your clients or vendors, but you love that relationship and you appreciate the work you’ve achieved with that client. Many of us are still learning how to perfect this skill, including getting out of your feelings, seeing the bigger picture and remaining authentic (avoiding being fake)!
Check out my 5 tips to cultivating relationships that will catapult your business to success.
- Remember you both want the best. Sometimes the road to success may look different from one person to the next and might conflict but there’s always a road to compromise, be sure to take it!
- Make sure you’re out of your feelings and say, “here is what my client wants and here is what I want” how can I merge these ideas and communicate the suggestions with grace and agility.
- Step back from the expert role and be open to trying something new, be willing and ready to pivot and be nimble.
- The ultimate goal is to develop deeper relationships with vendors in order to find a balanced synergy
If you receive a message via email or voicemail that pushes a button:
- STOP, don’t respond, give yourself time to calm down even if that means waiting a day to respond
- Respond with respect, don’t be afraid to ask questions in a non-confrontational manner
- Get off email! When in doubt pick-up the phone. So many things are lost in translation via email.
If you receive a confrontational message in-person, this can be hard to navigate in the moment, you typically won’t have the opportunity to ask yourself is it just me, am I in a bad mood or is this person truly being offensive, you sometimes just have to respond. So here’s what you should do, note: I’m still working on this tip:
1. Pause
2. Take a deep breath
3. Think it through
4. Respond